by Jo | Dec 13, 2012 | 12 Days of Christmas, blog, Social Media
On the 6th day of Christmas JCK rolled the dice and gave me amazing Twitter advice Are you 1 of the 90% of people that are not fully utilising everything Twitter can offer, or 1 of the 10% that actually get it and are actually making it work for you. Well with now...
by Jo | Dec 11, 2012 | 12 Days of Christmas, blog, Search Engine Optimisation
On the 5th day of Christmas JCK let me know a little secret about my SEO The whole world of seo is changing, the rules have changed dramatically in the last 18 months, so much so, that whilst you still need to put the correct foundations in place actually your company...
by Jo | Dec 11, 2012 | 12 Days of Christmas, blog, Marketing Strategy
On the 4th day of Christmas JCK made me see, why I need a marketing strategy. So, you’ve drawn the short straw, and everyone is coming round yours for Christmas dinner. But it’s OK; you know that it consists of a Turkey and Christmas pudding so there is no need...
by Jo | Dec 10, 2012 | 12 Days of Christmas, blog, grow your business
On the 3rd day of Christmas JCK gave me a clue, how to make a blog page work for you For your blog to work for you, it should do two things provide great unique, useful information that your customers want to engage in sending signals to the search engines that you...
by Jo | Dec 7, 2012 | 12 Days of Christmas, blog, Social Media
On the 2nd day of Christmas JCK gave away, a social media checklist for the day So if you are undertaking social media, then there are certain activities that you should look at on a daily basis. Whilst this is not supposed to be an exhaustive list as each social...
by Jo | Dec 6, 2012 | 12 Days of Christmas, blog, Google
On the 1st day of Christmas, JCK gave to me, a tip to help me master PPC If you owned a shop, you would want to have the biggest shop front on the high street with all your most important product lines featured in your window dressings. Well, appearing on the front...