by Jo | Dec 14, 2012 | 12 Days of Christmas, blog, Branding
On the 7th day of Christmas JCK revealed their hand and told me how to develop my brand Although you may think to develop and to maintain a brand is simple, there are several fundamentals which will make your brand effective. Remember, your brand lives with your...
by Jo | Jan 23, 2012 | blog, Branding
If you’re going into business, wanting to re-fresh an ageing brand, or develop your own concept, do not try and do it yourself. Having the ideas is one thing, but having the skills, knowledge and tools to bring them to life is another. Leave it to the professionals...
by Jo | Oct 24, 2011 | Blog Archive, Branding
Unless your business has a similar turnover to some of our major brands such as Virgin, Marks and Spencer or Nike not many people are going to know what your logo looks like. So when it comes to branding a small business it’s not all about the logo. That said, having...