by Jo | Jun 10, 2012 | blog, Search Engine Optimisation
Whilst there are many places on the internet that you can visit to purchase stock photography, if you are really serious about your online marketing then you should invest a little bit of time and energy in getting your own photographs created. Here are a few reasons...
by Jo | May 27, 2012 | blog, Search Engine Optimisation, Top 10 Tips
Why Press Releases? In this world of ever changing on-line practises, one activity that you should continue to do on a monthly basis is to write a press release about your company. Now even if you can’t get that press release into the offline world into your...
by Jo | Mar 30, 2011 | Blog Archive, Search Engine Optimisation
The Hotel Arts Barcelona is one of the first websites that I have launched for top Berkshire company Essential Hotels. Essential Hotels are a hotel reservation service with a strong emphasis on customer service and also knowledge about the hotels that they have in the...
by Jo | Oct 29, 2010 | blog, Search Engine Optimisation, Top 10 Tips
On Page SEO, the 6 key things you need to know So you want to know what the basics are for on page SEO. There are really 6 things you need to get right. Of course these points make the assumption that you have done your keyword research ( you have done it right?!) OK,...
by Jo | Sep 1, 2009 | blog, Search Engine Optimisation
Press Releases are one of those items that you never quite get round to completing, although most organisations probably have something news worthy that they can speak about on a weekly basis. Most journalists use search engines daily to check for updates on key...