by Jo | Nov 19, 2013 | Uncategorized
ABOUT INIXION [tds-divider dotted thickness=10] [tds-columns] [tds-column third] Inixion is the only Sage business partner in the UK who specialise in the delivery of Sage ERP X3, a full-service enterprise management system for mid-to-large businesses. Analytics...
by Jo | Nov 18, 2013 | Uncategorized
ABOUT JD Marketing [tds-divider dotted thickness=10] [tds-columns] [tds-column third] Integer vel dapibus mauris. Vestibulum porttitor, mauris at faucibus condimentum, dolor erat vulputate odio, vitae accumsan augue sapien eget augue. Phasellus est lorem, pulvinar...
by Jo | Sep 5, 2013 | Blog Archive, grow your business, Uncategorized
Today marks the opening of the 5th G20 summit which is “a forum for cooperation and consultation on matters pertaining to the international financial system” – a very grand title but in effect its the “working together” of 19 countries...
by Jo | Jun 9, 2013 | blog, Uncategorized
Whether you are a multi national or an independent business that services your immediate proximity its true to say that you will probably have businesses that can be your customers right on your doorstep. So local business is as important to attract on the internet as...
by Jo | Feb 10, 2013 | Blog Archive, Google, Uncategorized
During the course of this week I have had half a dozen conversations about the benefits of using Google+ and why you should be using it as part of your online marketing mix. Now, we know its not the easiest platform to master, but the effort will be rewarded as...
by Jo | Jan 21, 2013 | blog, Thought of the week, Uncategorized
Richard Branson’s quote illustrates how a business needs to embrace fun and show its creative instincts in every way it can. One common thread in people is that they like to enjoy themselves and have a little bit of fun. If you can tap into this common attribute then...