1st day of Christmas

1st day of Christmas

On the 1st day of Christmas, JCK gave to me, a tip to help me master PPC If you owned a shop, you would want to have the biggest shop front on the high street with all your most important product lines featured in your window dressings. Well, appearing on the front...

Your Adwords Site Links Question Answered

We’ve had a few phones calls in the last couple of weeks from business owners who have received emails from Google informing them about changing the sitelinks policy. (well actually not changing just enforcing!!) You’ll have received this email if you are...

New Website launched, Disneyland Paris Hotels

Another website has been launched under the umbrella of Essential Hotels, this time giving you the perfect place to look if you want to book a holiday at Disneyland Paris, Hotels and other essential tickets can be purchased online. The website launched just a few...

The 9 Google Pay Per Click mistakes we see most often

After our recent PPC workshop where most of the audience had at least tried to put together some kind of PPC campaign,  it made us think of the main mistakes that we see when users are creating and maintaining their own Pay Per Click campaigns. To help you if you want...