Bromley Business Expo a roaring success!

So the day came and went without any hitches (hooray!) we even managed to keep the rain away, (must have been all the sun dances we were doing every day for the last week!) A fantastic time was had by all, and whilst we haven’t got the final visitor count yet,...

Tag your contacts on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has a very useful feature that enables you to send a private message to 50 of your contacts in one go. The easiest way to handle this is to ‘tag’ your contacts into different types of user. I have used different business types for my contacts...

Is Big Brother Watching You?

As you already know, Google has completed its deal with twitter to receive a real time feed into their search results, they are now taking it one step further with Google Social Search. (at least its in the experimental phase) What is that I hear you cry? Well...