I’m loving this new service that LinkedIn has just launched, which they are calling ‘LinkedIn Today’ . These days we are all ‘time challenged’ so to keep in touch with daily news is time that we don’t always have especially when it means sifting through the barrage of information that hits us on an hourly basis.
Why do I like this new service?
Well it delivers information from my network, people I know, trust and respect..and it tells me what they are reading and sharing. Now if people I trust are sharing information then that’s probably news that I need to be aware of…and its the top news stories, so it isn’t just noise that we all know rattles around the internet.
also I can hook straight into the industry news, for the industries that I particularly want to know about. By following the industries I care about I can get information delivered to me about them and a round up once a week by email.
Of course there is an iphone app so that this information can be delivered to you on the news.
At the moment you have to go here to find LinkedIn Today, but shortly it will be delivered under your ‘more’ button in the main navigation, go check it out and see if it can help you stay ahead of the curve!