If you are running your own pay per click ads with Google you’ll have noticed that they have launched what they are terming as ‘enhanced campaigns’, come mid 2013 everybody will have upgraded to this service, but why wait? the advantages of upgrading now are worth it so our advice is not to hold off.
If you spend £25 with Google we’ll turn that into £100 so an extra £75 for nothing!! – all you need to do is email us here and we’ll send you a voucher code you can use…
So what do enhanced campaigns give you?
1) Multi Device Marketing
In this day and age you have no idea who is going to search for your business on what device. If there at home browsing the web it will still probably be a pc, but if they’re on the move, on a train or in a coffee shop then the likelihood is that they will be using a phone or tablet device. You need to be found no matter what device your potential customers are using, and the enhanced ads enable this so that you can seamlessly appear from one device to another.
2) Contextual Advertising
You’ve always been able to reach your potential customers at the time of search based on the keywords that they type in to the search box, but enhanced campaigns take this one step further by establishing intent, based on location, time of day and access device.
By simply knowing that your advertising of a new app you have developed can be downloaded immediately to someone who has searched on their phone is very powerful, advanced reporting will enable you to measure your campaigns and how effective your multi-device marketing really is.
You can set multiple bid adjustments to target customers based on their location, so for example you can increase your bid to customers that are on the move and are within 10 miles of your shop, you can entice them in as they are not far away. You can decrease your bid when your shop is closed and so on.
You can display the right extensions as well based on the device the person is using, so for example you would want to encourage click to call if someone is using their mobile phone, but not if they are using a pc. You can also make sure that the right ad is going to the right landing page, this is really important if you have a mobile site.
All of these new features are available to you now, so why not give them a try!