We’ve been banging on about the importance of getting your business onto Google+, so today we wanted to extend that a bit further for you by delving into the communities feature of Google.
There are now over 50,000 communities listed on Google, some have just a handful of participants, where other more popular ones have thousands. Why is this important?
Well regardless of your business, there is sure to be a community that you can get involved with… and its a really good move to get involved. This is because there are only two ways of getting your message distributed, thats sharing publicly so that everyone in your circles receives your update, and the second is to share the information in a community so that all the members receive your information… so its a great way of engaging and collaborating with other business people that have the same interest or business focus as you. Of course then as you get to know these individuals they will become part of your own network as you move them into your own personal circles.
Just like any other network that you join, a community will become a powerful way for you to understand the problems people face in your industry. Ask questions and answer any questions that you can, like everything else in life the more you contribute the more you will gain.
On the left hand side of your screen you will see the communities area, click on the button to take a look. To begin with you will have a lot of suggestions (based on the communities the individuals in your circles have belonged to) you can also search by topic using the community search bar. You can simply hit join the community to get involved.
Search engine optimisation these days has changed dramatically, and if you want to get ahead in your industry and make sure your website is found online, get involved in these communities, its quick, its simple and it will help your business.
Take a look at Googles video below, for a very quick insight.