For all those that attended the Bromley Expo presentation on the content pick and mix (and for those that didn’t) you’ll find all the details below from the presentation plus links to the original blogs posts that inspired the presentation in the first place. We have also added the free downloads for you as well, enjoy!

For our content strategy documents and our content distribution checklist then please click here to download:

Inspiration for the presentation was taken from a selection of these original blog posts that you might like to read.

  1. The importance of images:
  2. Prezi and Powerpoint presentations:
  3. Creating a Podcast:
  4. What your audience wants:
  5. Writing your blog:
  6. Infographics:

If you enjoyed the presentation, why not either subscribe to our blog via email (you’ll then receive all our new information in your inbox) or simply subscribe to receive our newsletter. (just go to the top right of this page to enter your details)

and of course if you have any questions at all please just contact us.