We do like to encourage our clients to make Google Adwords part of their marketing mix. As we know it is one of the most effective tools to attract visitors to your website for the services you offer right at the time they are looking for them.
But we also know that unless you pay for an agency to set up and run your campaigns there is a real chance that you could be wasting a lot of money just through lack of knowledge of the platform, well Google have now put together a new Adwords help center to help you with this issue.
The help center is very comprehensive and if you are serious about ‘getting it right’ then is a must use resource. There are guides to success, and much improved navigation to make it easier for you to find the specific information you are looking for.
For most of the topics their is an easy video for you to watch if you prefer to look at a video rather than read the text, but also the text is very simple to understand and with screenshots you can easily follow and complete the task in hand.
The advantages of this kind of advertising over others are massive, for a start
- you only pay if someone actually clicks on your ad,
- you can target you ads to specific devices and also
- optimise for specific locations
- Create extensions to your ad to highlight specific features (e.g store opening)
- Guaranteed placement – you know for certain keywords you will be found online (budget permitting of course!)
- Time – you can set up a small campaign with a handful of keywords reasonably quickly and instantly change it if necessary
so if you seriously haven’t thought about this medium then you are missing a trick and with this new help center its all you need to get started… alternatively we can do it for you!