With all the excitement of our Royal baby and the extreme interest and coverage of his name it made us think how important a name can be, especially when you’re naming a future King, but does the same apply when you’re naming your business?
Choosing a name for your business is probably the most exciting and most difficult part of setting up your new business, so what considerations do you need to take into account? here are some thoughts to help you on your way…
- Registering with Companies House, make sure your new name is not already registered with companies house – it will cause complications down the line and you don’t want to be confused with another company
- Easy To Say (and spell!) Once you have considered a few names, say them repeatedly – are they easy for you to say or could any of them be misheard? – Will you continuously have to spell the company name out. These are all considerations for your business name. Also of course you need to see if the domain name is still available… this is a big problem these days as many names have been used already.
- Tell People What You Do You don’t need to get too clever, actually a winning company name will tell people what you do or are associated with. This could be literally, ‘Fred The Plumber’ or it could be a word or phrase that sets out an impression. Of course the impression or words do need a positive connotation to them, dynamic words are good to use.
- Create The Right Impression Over time your name will carry your brand, it will become synonymous with who you are and what you do. When you think of your new name make sure that it loans itself to the type of operation that you want to deliver. Ask yourself if your company was a car which one would it be? A Mercedes, A Skoda… then see if your name matches the same impression your chosen car has.
- A Visual Element Whilst this merges a little bit with the logo, you do also need to think about the typeface and colour that you are going to use. We all know that the colour blue represents trust and red is for danger, take time to consider what your chosen colour should be.
- Overseas Use We live in a global economy, try and make sure that your chosen name will work just as well overseas as it does here in the UK – Check your business name in other languages to ensure it doesn’t cause offence!
and of our future King, George Alexander Louis, the name is very impressive and regal but also the meaning of the name George, via Old French and Latin, comprised of words meaning ‘earth’ and ‘to work’, so a farmer. A future King with his feet firmly planted in the ground, sounds like the perfect choice to me!