Along the path of any company there will come a time when you feel that its right for a re-brand of your business, sometimes its just an evolution thing, you just want to make a few tweaks to your existing designs, at other times it might be completely revolutionary. So what do you need to think about when going through the re-brand process.
Normally the goal of a rebrand is sales related, you want to keep hold of the clients that you already know and love but you also want to present your business in a more positive light to prospects. Sometimes, its just a realization that you now know ‘who you are’ and what your company’s value really is, otherwise we see companies that have simply outgrown their brand and want to move on.
Whatever your reason for re-branding, here are a few considerations for you to think about to decide whether to take action:
- Has your market place changed enforcing you to re-brand to keep in the game.
- Has your offering changed considerably, then a re-brand is probably a good thing.
- Is it a subtle change you are after, or something more radical. If you are being radical, you may upset your existing client base, are you prepared for that?
- Has your customer profile changed?
- Are you changing your company values?
- What do you want to convey with your new brand?
- What problem are you trying to solve with your new brand?
One of the most recognisable brands is Coca Cola, you can see from the history of the logo that they have made evolutionary tweaks along the way to keep their competitive edge.
So if you decide to start the journey, do think about all the elements that you will need to change, typically
- Your logo
- Your website
- Your business cards
- Your social media graphics
- Your letterheads and printed material
- E-newsletter templates
- Presentation Templates
- Online content assets might need to be re-done
- Invoice Letterheads
so be prepared there is quite a lot to consider..but the resulting sales could definitely make the effort worthwhile. If you want to chat it through with someone then give us a call