Twtpoll – a fun Twitter App

For those of you that know me well will know that I am taking part in the new ITQ Qualification for Social Media, assessed by the lovely Mary Thomas (follow her here, and find out more about the ITQ Social Media Qualification) one of the tasks that we undertake is to...

Why LinkedIn?

When asked by our clients which social networking tools should they use it always comes down to, in our opinion, the 3 core sites that every social media strategy should utilise and that is Twitter Facebook and LinkedIn We have already spoken about the value of...

Social Media Strategy, the why not the how

I often meet business owners that have started to use Social Media as part of their marketing mix, but who are getting mixed or limited results from this platform. Nine times out of ten it comes down to one thing, they’ve gone on all the training courses which teach...

LinkedIn Today – tailoring your news

I’m loving this new service that LinkedIn has just launched, which they are calling ‘LinkedIn Today’ . These days we are all ‘time challenged’ so to keep in touch with daily news is time that we don’t always have especially when it...

Facebook Changes

There have been multiple changes to the Facebook pages over the last few weeks, one of the ones that I want to draw your attention to is the ability to use Facebook as your business page. What does this actually mean? Well before the changes, when you wrote on...